Black and White Photography With Cole Thompson


I have to admit, I’m pretty ignorant when it comes to black and white photography. I mean I know what creates a black and white, tones to use, exposure, etc. But, I feel like I’m like a lot of people in that I’ll switch a color photo I’m not happy with in color to see if it’ll work in black and white.

With that being said, I felt a little intimidated entering the ring with a seasoned black and white photography veteran that is Cole Thompson.

After the interview, I came away feeling a lot more confident about black and white photography.

One of the major things I learned from this episode was nothing that I was expecting.

I took away that a photographer should always photograph something if they see it and stop for it.


Cole explains that if you don’t photograph it then, it might not make sense to you the next time you visit and look at the exact same subject.

I’ve actually implemented that into my own in-field work.