A True Love for Landscape Photography and Coffee With Gavin Hardcastle


Gavin Hardcastle has a reputation for being landscape photography’s funny guy. That description definitely fits the bill as you’ll hear in our interview. However, I also think that there’s much more beneath that. Not only does Gavin have a robust understanding of photography, but he also realizes the importance of a deeper connection to his photos, which he has.

To be honest, I didn’t really know what to expect when Gavin and I began recording. Would he carry the interview with a stand-up comedy routine? It was definitely possible. While we were talking I realized that Gavin genuinely has a true love for landscape photography.

In this episode, Gavin Hardcastle and I discuss several topics that range from the size of his prostate to his emotional connection to his landscape photographs. So clearly we covered all maturity levels.

We also discuss:

  • The best coffee to drink while photographing landscapes.

  • How Gavin got started in landscape photography and how his previous career has helped him.

  • What inspires him most when he’s in the field.

  • What Gavin loves about YouTube.

  • And more!