The Headspace for Photos During Lockdown With Julian Elliott


Landscape photographers in the UK are a dime a dozen. They are everywhere (and they all have their own YouTube channel.) However, Julian Elliott is a bit different.

Does he have his own YouTube channel? Yes.

What sets him apart is that he’s a UK photographer not residing in the UK. He lives in France.

I’ve never had a photographer living in France on the podcast, so I thought this was going to be a fun opportunity to chat about culture, landscapes, and travel.

The obvious outlier of 2020 is the pandemic. It had impacts on all photographers. I wanted to ask Julian about his mental headspace for creativity for photography during the lockdown, especially since he does travel so much for his photographic work. His progression through creativity during the pandemic actually gave him new perspectives on local places and his work.

In this episode, we also discuss the difference between stock photography and microstock photography, as well as how photographers can (and should) be protecting themselves from copyright theft.