Defining Style and British Photography Stereotypes With Tom Peters


I feel like Tom Peters is the kind of person you could jump back into a deep friendly conversation with even if years had gone by.

He is the definition of being relaxed and laid back.

That’s what I enjoyed so much about our conversation. I could ask any question I wanted and Tom would give me an honest answer.

I definitely took advantage of the opportunity and asked several questions that even I have difficulty answering myself.

In our talk, the most intriguing conversations came out of our discussion on photographic style.

I don’t know what it is about photographers, but there is so much difficulty in defining a personal style, myself included. It’s easy for others to look at our photographs and know that it’s one of ours, but if we look at our own work, it can be difficult to navigate why we have so many similar kinds of images.

We also took that a step further and explored if there is a stereotype or stigma attached to being a British photographer, and what that stigma might be.