A Partner's Perspective on Photography With My Wife


I have had multiple conversations with photographers off the record about significant others, partners, and potential spouses. One theme continued to show up; “I can’t date/marry anyone who isn’t a photographer because they don’t understand our lifestyle.”

This was a little startling to me because I am married to someone who couldn’t be further from the mindset of a photographer.

Whenever something like this comes up in conversation and I can’t figure out an answer, I fixate on it for months.

Finally, I decided to give a new perspective on it… my wife’s perspective.

Was she apprehensive to record a podcast with me? Yes. However, I believe her insight about our story will resonate with many of the people I talk to who want to be a photographer full-time one day, or those who don’t think they can marry anyone outside of the photography community.

I sincerely hope that our discussion helps you, and that it adds insight into your relationships.
