Photographer and Chief Creative Officer With Alan Shapiro


Photographer, chief creative officer, and advertising expert are just a few descriptors of Alan Shapiro. However, I think just an overall good person can be added to that list too.

I had been previously introduced to Alan Shapiro’s photography work, however, once I took part in a webinar with Alan I knew he would add great value to the podcast.

I was most intrigued to talk with Alan about his work experience with advertising and being a chief creative officer because I believe it will be beneficial to anyone wondering about that side of photography.

The business side of photography is great, and there is always something to learn, but when Alan and I began discussing the creative side of photography my eyes were opened.

In our talk, Alan shares several nuggets of advice for being more creative with your photography, trying new things, and the vulnerability of making mistakes. If you’ve been listening to the podcast for a long time, you know that I had to jump all over these topics of discussion.