The Evolution of Thought With Guy Tal


We are about to dive deep into the mind of Guy Tal.

Please keep all hands and feet inside the cart at all times.

This conversation is full of deep and complicated topics, many of which I never thought I’d be discussing on the podcast. Ever.

For example, Guy Tal and I briefly discuss his current interest in quantum physics. Just to give you an idea of how one-sided that topic was, I nearly failed the last science course I took in college.

guy tal

What was fascinating the most to me wasn’t how the conversation jumped around so much, instead it was how Guy relates his interests back to photography. He gave me ideas like working how the brain reacts to colors into my photography to provoke certain emotions or feelings.

I actually walked away from our discussion with more ideas about the psychology of art through the medium of photography than when I began. That isn’t always the case. In fact, my favorite part about talking to Guy was noticing how many more ideas I had when we were finished.

guy tal photography