Good Photography Is Everywhere With Joseph Rossbach


I first reached out to Joseph Rossbach to do a podcast about eight years ago.

No, that wasn’t a typo.

It was actually for my old podcast, and we could just never nail down a time that worked for both of us to chat, so no blaming Joseph on that one.

I share that because I was legitimately excited to talk with Joseph about his photography especially in a time in which the photography industry is in such turmoil thanks to the global pandemic going on.

In our discussion, Joseph and I talk about the question I’ve had during all of the Covid crisis; are photography workshops still viable?

One of the bright spots that the pandemic has brought out is the love and appreciation for location scouting and finding beauty in local areas.

Think about it, we are limited in where we can go right now. So, how do you find anything to photograph.

You really have two options:

  1. You can pout and not pick up your camera.

  2. You can go find new places near where you live.

In this episode, Joseph takes the second option and reminds us that good photography is everywhere.